Laetiporus sulphureus  (Bull.) Murrill 1920
Main synonym = Polyporus sulphureus    (Bull.) Fr. 1821
Taxonomical Classification:  Fungi / Basidiomycota / Basidiomycetes / Polyporales / Polyporaceae
Chicken of the Woods     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
Laetiporus sulphureus is a popular edible, and easily recognized by its color, soft texture, and absence of gills. It is found growing alone or, more typically, in large clusters on decaying logs and stumps of hardwoods and conifers; summer and fall, rarely in winter and spring.
This conspicuous fungus causes a reddish brown cubical heart rot, with thin areas of white mycelium visible in the cracks of the wood. The mushrooms do not appear until well after the fungus has attacked the tree. The fruiting body range between 5-60 cm broad, up to 4 cm thick; fan-shaped to obtusely semicircular; smooth to gently wrinkled; suedelike; bright yellow to bright orange when young, frequently fading in maturity and with direct sunlight.

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